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Misc Parts > Screw-in 3/8" Pop Pins - Nylon Lobed Body with M16-1.5 Metric Thread
Screw-in 3/8" Pop Pins - Nylon Lobed Body with M16-1.5 Metric Thread
Product Description
Screw-in 3/8" Pop Pins - Nylon Lobed Body with M16-1.5 Metric Thread is shorter overall than conventional pop pins for close quarters application. Typically installed by first machining a bulk head from steel with metric M16-1.5 female thread. Then welding the bulk head to outer stationary tube/pipe as needed.
WARNING: This pop pin has an odd metric thread of M16-1.5 and we strongly advise you check your existing female threaded hole with a known M10-1.5 bolt first to verify it will work before ordering. You can test fit your application by obtaining an M16-1.5 bolt from a hardware store if you don't have one. Our return policy mandates a 20% restock fee deducted from all returns plus original shipping is deducted, plus the buyer is responsible for paying return shipping. Please verify before ordering.
This model is not supplied with a weld-on bulk head
Screws into any M16-1.5 metric female thread up to 1/2" deep
Diameter of engagement pin: .363"
Engagement pin length (Maximum penetration of pin): .553"
Knob Diameter: 1.063"
Lobed Pop Pin Body Diameter: 1.167"
Lobed Pop Pin Body Length: .895"
Suitable for installing a pop pin in thick plate steel (up to 1/2" thick)
Requires no finishing whatsoever - all metal parts are plated and the body and knob are unbreakable nylon
Lobed pop pin body allows grip necessary to tighten into female thread
Installation of pop pin body can be delayed until equipment reaches end user so it does not stick out and possibly get damaged during transit.
Quantity pricing available upon request